The Truth About Cursing

Hello folks. Today I am embarking on a 30 day no curse YouTube challenge!  Though I don't strongly disagree with either end of the spectrum (cursing vs never cursing) I want to see how it feels and how it affects my presence in the world. How do I show up in the world if I don't curse? Is cursing pointless? I really won't know until I feel what it is like to not curse and then after this period of time I can analyze and find a middle path. I have gotten plenty of comments and emails about people pointing out how much my curse-words affect them negatively. Nobody wrote a comment or email with enough love for me to take their message into account - but finally I felt what it was like to be on the receiving end of this. There was a person who was telling a story and cursing intensely, and I didn't like the way it felt! Of course it is more about intentions and where the person is coming from - not from the words - but it gave me some insight.

I want to see how I feel when I don't curse for 30 days on YouTube. (or at least try not to)

cursing, josh macin, detox dudes, heavy metal detox

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