Why Magnesium Oil Is Essential For Healing

Several studies have shown that over 50 percent of the United States population suffer from magnesium deficiency. According to a 2010 research by Nielsen FH: “About 60% of adults in the United States do not consume the estimated average requirement for magnesium, but widespread pathological conditions attributed to magnesium deficiency have not been reported.” The estimates from more recent studies show even higher percentages. There are a number of reasons why magnesium deficiency is prevalent on a global scale. On the top of the list is the depleted soil condition. This happens when the soil is not rich in organic matter or when it constantly comes in contact with chemicals. This makes it difficult for plants to turn soil nutrients into nutrients that humans can benefit from. Diet also plays a great role in one’s magnesium levels. While magnesium can be found in many food sources, many people do not get the required amount in their diet. Another culprit that could be depleting your magnesium level is drinking too much caffeine, soda and alcohol. Lastly, existing health conditions such as diabetes, pancreatitis, and kidney disease can also lead to deficiency. There are significant health consequences when one is deficient in magnesium. These include health issues like body sores, joint pain, anxiety, tooth cavities, hypertension, osteoporosis, kidney and liver damage, hormonal effects, and an overall lower quality of life. Ironically, almost every organ in the body uses magnesium to fully function. Your muscles, heart, kidneys, and bones rely on the mineral so it could properly carry out their specific roles. It’s also responsible for over 300 essential biochemical reactions in the body. So replenishing your magnesium levels be it through magnesium-rich food or supplements will drastically help address these symptoms. Regardless of your current level of magnesium on paper, you will definitely reap the countless benefits of including magnesium in your daily routine. Here is a quick list of foods that are rich in magnesium: green leafy vegetables, whole grains, seeds, beans, fish, avocado, bananas, tofu, legumes, soybean flour, oat flour, chocolate, cocoa powder, wheat bran, almonds, cashews, pine nuts, and walnuts. However, most foods that are grown today are deficient in minerals due to chemicals in pesticides and herbicides. As much as possible, eat organically grown foods. If you are unable to sustain a magnesium dense diet, consider taking magnesium supplements.

Why Magnesium Oil Is Essential For Healing

From maintaining a strict diet to healing the gut, taking all the necessary supplements can fall through the cracks. In this video, Josh Macin discusses the importance of taking magnesium oil on your journey to healing. It is critical to have stores of magnesium in the body to protect the brain from heavy metals. It also allows for optimal cellular regeneration. This mineral is also required for all the detoxification pathways and processes as well. The products mentioned in the video are Swanson Magnesium Oil and Ancient Minerals Magnesium Oil which both use transdermal magnesium chloride from the ancient Zechstein seabed in the Netherlands. You can apply the oil topically or take it orally. You can also mix it with your essential oils if you’re regularly using an aromitizer. https://youtu.be/Nks9ODaffpU Did you find this video helpful? Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel and like our video and stay tuned for more content that will transform your life as you know it! Pin this post for later reading:

Why Magnesium Oil Is Essential For Healing

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